Archive for November 2008 | Monthly archive page

Being Just Happy


posted by on English, Livin' my Life, MUN, Uni

Hey folks, just wanted to tell you how happy I’m today. While it’s rather obvious that I am happy due to Bremen’s 5:0 victory over Frankfurt, the way more important reason is my ability to walk without crutches again!!! 😀 While I did walk at home without crutches for the last 3-4 days, I didn’t […]

posted by on English, Livin' my Life

Hey folks, believe it or not, I’m back on track 😎 At least on the university track, as I got the „OK“ from my doc today for leaving the bed and thus walking around 😀 YEAH, in addition I got a new splint that has a joint so that I can move the knee now […]

posted by on English, Livin' my Life, Local

Hey folks, just wanted to publish an e-mail I’ve just sent over to the BVG, the company that runs the transport service here in Berlin. Below you find the mail (sorry, it’s in German) but I’ll explain in brief what happened: Today I a had an appointment at my doc in order to see how […]