Sleepless in The Hague


posted by on English, Livin' my Life, Model G8, MUN, Uni

Hey folks,

just a very brief note from The Hague. If you’ve followed my blog for quite some time you probably know that I’ve spend lately some time in Milan at the G8 Youth Summit 2009 and now I’m in The Hague at WorldMUN 2009. 😎

The G8 Summit was just awesome ❗ It was really really challenging and we did nothing but working all day long and then tried to either get a drink or some sleep… (The later rather rarely… 😉 I’ll write a bit more about my experiences in Milan when I’ll have a) more time and b) will be a little bit more awake than I’m right now… Just to summarize, Milan was not only great because of the nice weather, but first and foremost because of the awesome people I had the pleasure to be with (especially my delegation!!!) and the work we’ve done! 😀

Now I’m in The Hague struggling to cope with my huge lack of sleeping time. I’m right now more or less only physically awake and try not to fall asleep during the committee sessions. Still, it’s great to be here as I use this conference basically to have a huge get together with people I know from all over the world :mrgreen: In contrast to Milan, here I don’t really care about the work we’re doing but rather go for the social part of the conference… 😉

Ok, I’ll be back in Germany next Saturday but don’t count on me before Monday (I’ll probably sleep the whole Sunday… 😉

Cya, Philip

P.S.: Looks like I’ll be in India from September to Dezember… Gosh I really like my life right now… 😉

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