Hey there,
it’s finally official: I’m now registered in Germany again, to be precise, in Berlin 🙂 Yeah, first thing I did with my newly official address: I signed the e-petition that demands the german parlament to vote against a law that seeks to implement internet filters as 88044 before me did already.
There’s been a lot of buzz in Germany going around especially through the internet community but slowly other media seems to get the point as well. If you want to know more about it, Johnny Haeusler from Spreeblick has published a transcript of an email conversation he had with somebody that gives you a good overview over the topic (it’s in english!).
For the folks that speek German, make sure to check out Markus‘ great blog netzpolitik.org. Other good acticles for example by Mario Sixtus published on diegesellschafter.org or from Lutz Donnerhacke published on Zeit.de give you a short overview over the topic. If you want to understand the topic in more depth, get this PDF by Christian Wöhrl, its 4 pages worth reading! If you got more time, check out the essay „Woher wissen Sie, was Sie tun? Kritische Quellenschau der Sperrbefürworter“ by Lutz Donnerhacke. You might want to take a look at the list of references (pages 9-11).
If you like watching more than reading, check out the video below (that’s just one argument, but a good one 😉 )
Ok, now you should now why I signed up for the petition and I really ask you to do so as well:
Have a great week, Strothi