How to migrate from NNW with NewsGator to Google Reader


posted by on Apple, English


Update 4.8.09

The new beta version of NNW now supports clippings again. I just did the update and now all the clippings are back, thus the process (with regard to the clippings) I described below becomes obsolete!


Hey folks,

just a very short hint, as I just had some trouble to do it myself. As you probably read on twitter or on Brents new blog, he just published the new NNW 3.2 beta that includes Google Reader Sync but drops the sync with the NewsGator Service (which will be terminated by the 31st of August anyway). While exporting the feeds via the OPML form is rather easy (got to File, Export Subscibtions and then import them into Google Reader via your browser), the hard task was to get the Clippings over to Google as well as the open pages. For the Clippings you’ve to click on „Show Info“, then click the „Share as an Rss Feed“ Button and than copy the link to it into Google Reader (the online version). Google will then grab all your „Clippings“ via the RSS feed. So far, so good. Somehow I had a couple hundred pages open in my right sidebar (used it like a „Read Later“ category). This turned out to be way more complicated then the rest. So what I finally did was going through each page and sorting out the most but the ones I decided to keep I synced via the NNWInstaPost script with Instapaper (I set a short-cut for it via system preferences so it would work flawlessly). If you don’t want to use Instapaper, you can just set up a clippings folder for the pages and drag’n drop them into the folder and share it with Google the way I described it before. Alright, I’m not set and hope the work was worth it.

Hope I could help you guys a bit,

Take care, Strothi

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  1. Save Your Clippings Before Upgrading to NetNewsWire 3.2 Beta | Veritrope
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