Looking forward to India


posted by on English, Environment, India Project, International, Livin' my Life

Hey folks,

as you can see, FINALLY I got something written that actually states, that I’m going to India 🙂 It took ages but as I already got some of the DAAD scholarship money, I got no reason to worry anymore 🙂 Having less than five weeks left and a hell lot of stuff to do before I leave Germany, I thought it might be a good idea to explain to you guys, what I’m actually going to do in India and more important why I’ll be in India for three month – starting on the 16th of September.

Why are you going to India?

Well, the answer is pretty simple: Cause it’s the only country I can go to in order to do the project I have to do. To be a little more precise: As you probably know, I’m studying Public and Private Environmental Management here in Berlin at the Free University. After having had one year of „normal“ class, the third semester has no classes but we’ve to conduct a project in groups of three to four students. My institut recently set up a cooperation with the TERI Research Institut in New Delhi in India and thus this is why I’m going to India.

What project are you going to work on?

Well, the project I’m going to work on will deal with the issue of e-waste. E-Waste means waste of electric and electronic equipement, thus old mobile phones, computer, plasma screens etc. Here’s how I tried to summarize my planned project for the university’s homepage:

Over a period of three month he will be working together with the TERI Research Institute in New Delhi on a project that focuses on the pressing issue of E-Waste. According to the OECD, E-Waste is the fastest growing waste stream throughout the world. A recent report by India’s Department of Scientific and Industrial Research shows that E-Waste heading into India is increasing by 10% a year. Despite this, only a few cities like New Delhi have an E-Waste Management System in place. Still, the majority of the E-Waste recycling processes are conducted as clandestine processes within the unregulated informal sector. Bearing this information in mind, the project seeks to identify the effects and consequences of the implementation of the Basel Ban within the EU on the E-Waste sector in India with a focus on New Delhi. In order to answer the above stated question the project assesses the amount of E-Waste that went to India before and after the implementation of the Basel Ban (EU) and analyzes afterwards, whether the findings correspond with the objectives of the Basel Ban. If a global implementation of the Basel Ban would have an overall positive impact on India or not, shall be determined at the end of the project.

Alright, I hope you got somehow an idea of what I’ll be doing down there. As I myself have to develop a work-plan over the next couple weeks, I don’t know much more than what I wrote in the statement above. It’s going to be a little adventure – that’s for sure 😉

Have a great week,

Take care, Strothi

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