Archive for the ‘Family-Life’ Category
Guess what, just wanted to wish you guys a wonderful christmas time. 😀 Hope you can enjoy it with family and/or friends and will get a lot of nice presents from santa 😎 Happy eating and drinking, cheers, Philip 😉
Hey everybody, just wanted to tell you briefly that I’m now back home at my family’s place close to Osnabrück, so if you’re in town as well, give me a call 😉 After a really stressful week with a variety of stuff to do I came back yesterday and enjoyed the first „relaxing“ day since […]
Moin,  nach langer – viel zu langer – Zeit kommt hier mal wieder ein kleiner Beitrag 😀 Ich bin da! Bin ich da? Wo? Also gut, zuerst einmal bin ich seit Samstag wieder in Deutschland. Wie die Wochen davor waren und wie genial mein Abschied war, erzähl ich euch später mal. Hier also nur die […]