Archive for the ‘Model G8’ Category

posted by on English, India Project, Livin' my Life, Model G8, Uni

Dear all, it has been quite a while since I posted something. I would like to use this post to explain to some extent what kept me so busy over the last couple of weeks and thank some wonderful people that I had the pleasure to work with. G8/G20 Youth Summit The project that dominated […]



posted by on English, India Project, Journal 360°, Livin' my Life, Model G8

Dear all, I’m real sorry for this redundant excuses of mine for not being able to keep up blogging, but I just and plain simply wasn’t able to or had other things to do… As you know, I came back to Germany on the 16th of December and since then I think I have had […]

posted by on Deutsch, Model G8

Moin alle zusammen, wie viele von euch ja wissen, arbeite ich seit geraumer Zeit für Model G8 Germany e.V. Während ich noch im März als Umweltminister der Deutschen Delegation nach Mailand geflogen bin, leite ich seit ein paar Monaten nun das Ressort Gipfelbetreuung. Daher freut es mich umso mehr, endlich verkünden zu können, dass die […]