Archive for the ‘Uni’ Category

Ups and Downs


posted by on Apple, English, Livin' my Life, Uni, Work

Hey folks, hope you had a nice weekend and got some fine little presents from St Nicolaus 😉 I guess mine have been stolen by the mailman, as the package my mother sent me a couple days ago didn’t make it to me so far… 😥 Anyway, week’s been kind of an emotional up and […]

Being Just Happy


posted by on English, Livin' my Life, MUN, Uni

Hey folks, just wanted to tell you how happy I’m today. While it’s rather obvious that I am happy due to Bremen’s 5:0 victory over Frankfurt, the way more important reason is my ability to walk without crutches again!!! 😀 While I did walk at home without crutches for the last 3-4 days, I didn’t […]

posted by on English, Livin' my Life, Uni, WG, Work

Hey my friends, as you guys noticed, the last couple of weeks/months were really tough and I had time for nothing but the stuff that had to be done. Accordingly I thought it might be a good idea to explain to you what has actually happened.