Archive for the ‘Uni’ Category

Agra with Ana


posted by on English, India Project, Livin' my Life

Hey folks, it’s been really a long time since I wrote about my life over here despite so many interesting things happening around me. So I’m going to get things back on track over the coming days 🙂 Basically what kept me from writing was Ana, who arrived in Delhi  Tuesday two weeks ago. A […]

Aahvaan 2009


posted by on English, Fotography, India Project, Livin' my Life

Hey folks, it’s been a week since I told you about my awesome Diwali so it’s time for a little update on „living in India“ 😉 Actually last week nothing really special happened. I tried to work in the library, had language class and enjoyed my time. The only reportable thing was my try to […]

Pics of Diwali


posted by on English, Fotography, India Project, Livin' my Life

Hey, as promised, I just uploaded a few of my pics from yesterday. You can check them all out over at SmugMug. Here are just a couple of them. The gallery show the pics taken first at Navarun’s place, afterwards my neighborhood and finally the huge fireworks I enjoyed 🙂 [smugmug url=“″ title=“Diwali%20in%20Delhi“ description=“Some%20nice%20pics%20of%20Diwali%20in%20Delhi“ imagecount=“10″ […]