Archive for the ‘Uni’ Category
Hey folks, last time I told you about my new apartment as well as about the Bengali Festival I went to. I just uploaded the pics to SmugMug so if you like, check them out 🙂 Aside from that I still really like India and thought I share some more experiences. Yesterday I had my […]
Hey folks, I just thought it might be a good idea to write a little update on my life here in Delhi. While I had told you last time that I was about to check out a nice festival with Navarun and Vrishali on Monday last week, that didn’t work out. So I had to […]
Hey folks, you have no idea how happy I’m just right now: Guess what, I can move out of alcatraz (TERI University’s campus) ansd move into the best apartment I’ve seen so far in Delhi which will now become my new home for the upcoming three month!!! Doesn’t my room look awesome? I think so, […]