Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category



posted by on English, Environment, International

Dear friends, after my very pessimistic post on what can be achieved in Copenhagen in a couple of weeks, today I would like to encourage you to help making our voices – demanding for a real and ambitious agreement – heard by the leaders of the world. If you believe that climate change is a […]

posted by on English, Environment, International

Hey everybody, today the news around the world with regard to climate change are driven by the statements of the Heads of State present at the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum. So what is all the fuzz about? Well, let me use a quote: US Deputy National Security Adviser Mike Froman said the leaders […]

posted by on Deutsch, Environment, International, National

Moin Leute, nachdem ich nun wieder voll fit bin kommen jetzt auch wieder einige Posts die nix mit Dengue und Indien zu tun haben… Den Anfang macht mal wieder mein Lieblings-Thema – die Atomkraft. Leute, wenn Westerwelle und Merkel gerade so fröhlich darüber quatschen, den Konzernen ein paar Milliarden durch Laufzeitverlängerungen zu schenken, dreht sich […]