Archive for the ‘Random Stuff’ Category

Dear Lily Allen


posted by on English, Random Stuff

Hey folks, this post appears in the new „Random Stuff“ category that has been the „Words of the Week“ category so far. I never really used the old one but come across many interesting stuff that I’d like to share with you but did not really fit so far. So now I’m trying to exclude […]

posted by on English, Random Stuff

Alright, this is just hilarious. Vera Lengsfeld actually made it into The Colbert Report with her „famous“ election poster. Check it out: The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c



posted by on Deutsch, Random Stuff, Work

Moin, wie die meisten von euch ja wissen, befinde ich mich zur Zeit auf der OECD-UNEP Konferenz über „Resource Effiency“, wo es unter anderem um den 3R-Ansatz geht (Reduce, Recover, Recycle). Kommentar von Sina zu einem etwas – suboptimalen – Vortrag: „Nicht 3R, 3L! – Laber, Lustig, Langweilig!“ Hehe, mehr als richtig. Gerade ist’s ein […]