Archive for the ‘Apple’ Category

posted by on Apple, English

———————– Update 4.8.09 The new beta version of NNW now supports clippings again. I just did the update and now all the clippings are back, thus the process (with regard to the clippings) I described below becomes obsolete! ———————– Hey folks, just a very short hint, as I just had some trouble to do it […]

Ups and Downs


posted by on Apple, English, Livin' my Life, Uni, Work

Hey folks, hope you had a nice weekend and got some fine little presents from St Nicolaus 😉 I guess mine have been stolen by the mailman, as the package my mother sent me a couple days ago didn’t make it to me so far… 😥 Anyway, week’s been kind of an emotional up and […]



posted by on Apple, Deutsch, Livin' my Life

Moin alle zusammen,  nach dem entspannten Wochenende ging die Stimmungskurve Montag mal gut nach unten um sich dann heute wieder steil nach oben zu bewegen… Montag war doof und zwar so richtig! Das muss hier mal deutlich gesagt werden. Warum? Weil irgendein doofer Prof meiner besten Freundin Steffi mal einfach so ihre Prüfung genau auf […]