Posts Tagged ‘Master’

posted by on Deutsch, Livin' my Life, National, Uni

Moin alle zusammen, nachdem ich vor kurzem einen sehr interessanten Artikel über die FU Berlin in der ZEIT gelesen habe, hier mal eine kleiner Kommentar dazu. In dem Artikel von Anja Kühne unter dem Titel „Wie sich die FU Berlin neu erfindet“ geht es vor allem um die Frage, wie die Universität damit umgeht, nun […]

Happy New Year


posted by on English, Family-Life, Livin' my Life, Uni, WG, Work

Hey everybody, 2008 is coming to an end and thus I wish you a happy new year! I hope you will enjoy 2009 healthy and happily and I’m looking forward to have a lot of fun with you guys! 😀 But before moving on to 2009, I thought I would give you a rough overview […]

Christmas Time


posted by on English, Family-Life, Livin' my Life, Uni

Hey everybody, just wanted to tell you briefly that I’m now back home at my family’s place close to Osnabrück, so if you’re in town as well, give me a call 😉 After a really stressful week with a variety of stuff to do I came back yesterday and enjoyed the first „relaxing“ day since […]