Posts Tagged ‘Master’
Hey my friends, as you guys noticed, the last couple of weeks/months were really tough and I had time for nothing but the stuff that had to be done. Accordingly I thought it might be a good idea to explain to you what has actually happened.
Hey folks, I’m pround to announce: FINALLY I’m now officially registered as a student @ FU Berlin within the Master’s Programm of „Public and Private Environmental Management“! 😀 Hurray, that was a loooooooooooooong way to go, BUT I’ve had my last class for this week so I’m able to comment on the programm for this […]
Hey everybody,this is gonna be my first blog-post in english as I decided to change the language of my blog (which will see a lot of changes in the future). After having lived one year in Paris and working for the UN, I’ve a lot of friends all over the world who are not speaking […]