Posts Tagged ‘University’

Aahvaan 2009


posted by on English, Fotography, India Project, Livin' my Life

Hey folks, it’s been a week since I told you about my awesome Diwali so it’s time for a little update on „living in India“ 😉 Actually last week nothing really special happened. I tried to work in the library, had language class and enjoyed my time. The only reportable thing was my try to […]

posted by on English, Fotography, India Project

Hey folks, while I’m sitting here in the heat, I thought I share my „Experiencing India“ stories with you guys 😉 On Friday I had planned to sleep a little longer in order to rest a bit – that didn’t work out… At nine somebody knocked on my door and offered my a ride to […]

posted by on English, Environment, India Project, International, Livin' my Life

Hey folks, as you can see, FINALLY I got something written that actually states, that I’m going to India 🙂 It took ages but as I already got some of the DAAD scholarship money, I got no reason to worry anymore 🙂 Having less than five weeks left and a hell lot of stuff to […]