Posts Tagged ‘Video’
Hey, as promised, I just uploaded a few of my pics from yesterday. You can check them all out over at SmugMug. Here are just a couple of them. The gallery show the pics taken first at Navarun’s place, afterwards my neighborhood and finally the huge fireworks I enjoyed 🙂 [smugmug url=“″ title=“Diwali%20in%20Delhi“ description=“Some%20nice%20pics%20of%20Diwali%20in%20Delhi“ imagecount=“10″ […]
Hey folks, this post appears in the new „Random Stuff“ category that has been the „Words of the Week“ category so far. I never really used the old one but come across many interesting stuff that I’d like to share with you but did not really fit so far. So now I’m trying to exclude […]
Moin alle zusammen, nachdem ich vor kurzem einen sehr interessanten Artikel über die FU Berlin in der ZEIT gelesen habe, hier mal eine kleiner Kommentar dazu. In dem Artikel von Anja Kühne unter dem Titel „Wie sich die FU Berlin neu erfindet“ geht es vor allem um die Frage, wie die Universität damit umgeht, nun […]