Damn, I got the Dengue Fever


posted by on English, India Project, Livin' my Life


Photo by Nickolas Mannel under CC License

Hey folks,

you might have noticed that I haven’t posted anything over the last couple of days. You might even have seen my „I’m sick“ messages on twitter in the right sidebar. Well, some damn mosquito seems to have hit me and now I got the Dengue Fever 🙁

That sucks, but is not as bad as it might sound. It all started on tuesday, when I woke up and felt like my head was about to explode. Wednesday I got fever as well and had no appetite at all thus ate not more than a cup of cornflakes and two toasts… After my headaches had not disappeared y yesterday I decided to see a doc and went to an hospital. The doc couldn’t find anything but did some blood tests in order to see, which kind of fever I have. Today the results came and its Dengue. The test itself is not totally reliable, so they’re doing another one which will show on wednesday whether I really have it or not.

So what can I do about it? Well, nothing in particular except of resting, drinking a lot of water and fighting the symptoms with paracetamol. For both, the tests as well as the advice on what to do I paid about 100€ so far (which my insurance will refund me later on but still) and guess what, NOTHING was new to me. After a little research on the Internet I figured already that I might have Dengue and I treated myself since tuesday with… Sleeping, Drinking and Paracetamol 😀

Ok, as sitting in front of a computer is not really what I understand under „taking a rest“, this blog will have to pause for a while until I’m fine again.

Hope you’re alright,

Best, Strothi

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