Archive for the ‘Fotography’ Category

Pics of Diwali


posted by on English, Fotography, India Project, Livin' my Life

Hey, as promised, I just uploaded a few of my pics from yesterday. You can check them all out over at SmugMug. Here are just a couple of them. The gallery show the pics taken first at Navarun’s place, afterwards my neighborhood and finally the huge fireworks I enjoyed 🙂 [smugmug url=“″ title=“Diwali%20in%20Delhi“ description=“Some%20nice%20pics%20of%20Diwali%20in%20Delhi“ imagecount=“10″ […]

posted by on Deutsch, Fotography, Internet, Livin' my Life, Local, National

Moin alle zusammen, nachdem ich ja schon hier von der Freiheit statt Angst Demonstration in Berlin am 12.09. berichtet habe, bin ich nun endlich mal dazu gekommen, auch die passenden Bilder dazu online zu stellen. Zum einen hab ich ein Album mit 35 Bildern erstellt, die ich am Besten finde. Darüber hinaus gibt’s noch ein […]

posted by on Apple, Blog, English, Fotography

Hey folks, since I started this blog I tried several different methods to use photos. First I stored them locally on my server and used the MyGallery plugin to implement them into this blog. But the process of uploading, editing and using the pics was rather uncomfortable 🙁 When I got MobileMe I thought to […]