Archive for the ‘Personal Stuff’ Category

posted by on Deutsch, Livin' my Life, Local

Moin alle zusammen, da ich immer wieder erstaunt bin, dass im Rest von Deutschland wohl nicht nicht so bekannt ist, was hier in Berlin im Öffentlichen Nahverkehr gerade so abgeht, dachte ich, ich schreib mal kurz was Sache ist. Da andere da schon viel besser drüber geschrieben haben, empfehle ich euch einfach mal den Artikel […]

posted by on Deutsch, English, Journal 360°

Hey folks, below you find the current Call for Student Papers for Journal 360°. What I’m doing there, why I’m doing it and what all this is about will be explained in another post. Check out our Homepage for more details 🙂 By the way, we publish English as well as German texts! Take care, […]

posted by on English, Environment, Livin' my Life, Uni

Hey folks, after a couple of rather political entries I decided to tell you a bit about what happened recently in my life and what is about to happen. Last week was great cause it was the last week of university for my entire life – at least sort of. The Master I’m studying right […]