Posts Tagged ‘petition’



posted by on English, Environment, International

Dear friends, after my very pessimistic post on what can be achieved in Copenhagen in a couple of weeks, today I would like to encourage you to help making our voices – demanding for a real and ambitious agreement – heard by the leaders of the world. If you believe that climate change is a […]

posted by on Deutsch, International, Internet

Moin alle zusammen, neben nationalen Themen rund ums Internet sollte man auch ab und zu mal einen Blick über den nationalen Tellerrand wagen und sich mit der gesamten Entwicklung des Internets beschäftigen. Das Thema in diesem Zusammenhang ist dabei die so genannte Netzneutralität. Was es damit auf sich hat, warum das wichtig ist und was […]



posted by on English, Internet, National

Uploaded with plasq’s Skitch! Hey there, it’s finally official: I’m now registered in Germany again, to be precise, in Berlin 🙂 Yeah, first thing I did with my newly official address: I signed the e-petition that demands the german parlament to vote against a law that seeks to implement internet filters as 88044 before me […]