Pics of Diwali


posted by on English, Fotography, India Project, Livin' my Life


as promised, I just uploaded a few of my pics from yesterday. You can check them all out over at SmugMug. Here are just a couple of them. The gallery show the pics taken first at Navarun’s place, afterwards my neighborhood and finally the huge fireworks I enjoyed 🙂

[smugmug url=“″ title=“Diwali%20in%20Delhi“ description=“Some%20nice%20pics%20of%20Diwali%20in%20Delhi“ imagecount=“10″ start=“1″ num=“10″ thumbsize=“Th“ link=“smugmug“ captions=“false“ sort=“true“ window=“false“ smugmug=“false“ size=“M“]

Besides, here’s a little video of the fireworks that I enjoyed yesterday 🙂

My First Diwali


posted by on English, India Project, Livin' my Life

Hey folks,

today I enjoyed my first Diwali – the festival of lights – in India and as I had a totally awesome day I thought I share some of my impressions with you guys. My fantastic weekend started actually yesterday evening when I went to a party organized by some german friends of mine. Actually getting home afterwards was kinda real tricky, as the different areas are closed down here after 22 o’clock and only one gate is usually open. Bad luck: The highway leading to the main gate was closed as well so I ended up jumping over one of the huge 3m tall closed gates in order to get back home… 😉

Anyway, so I did not sleep much and got up around 11 o’clock in order to meet up with Navarun and Vrishali at the Indian Habitat Center. After we met we bought some sweets and went to Navarun’s place. Navarun and his roommate Raman prepared a really good lunch and we enjoyed our time. Later in the day we got up on the rooftop and set some firecrackers on fire – as it is tradition here around Diwali. Actually setting up firecrackers and fireworks started like two weeks ago, but the main day to celebrate is today.

So after having had the „all indian firecracker experience“ Navarun told us that it would be better to get home now – rather early – in order to be able to get a rickshaw without getting overcharged later. So I went home and came right in time to watch the conference of the german soccer league and saw my team winning – great 🙂

As the explosions around me really got intense I decided to grab my camera and do a little fotowalk around my neighborhood. I really enjoyed it and took lots of pics. Shortly before I was about to enter into my street again I was taking some pics when an Indian couple passed by and the guy said: „Hey, come with us, then you can shoot pics of real great fireworks!“ I was a little surprised but thought „Why not“ and joined them. Turned out, he was living right across the street and guess what – his whole family and friends – about 30-40 people – were celebrating Diwali on the street. Not only was I now standing in the middle of a huge Indian family, but my new friend insisted on showing me his – very nicely – decorated house! I thus was able to shoot pics of a „traditional decorated Indian house“ for Diwali and was treated like an important guest… 😀 I felt a little strange, but everybody was really really nice. I got chay (sort of tea), lots of sweets and finally they even shared a bit of their dinner with me (as I denied having dinner with them later, so I was given some parts to try anyway…). I actually stood with the family on the street for more than an hour, talked to the family members, enjoyed great fireworks and took lots of pictures! Unbelievable 🙂 Can you imagine, being invited by a total stranger to celebrate the most important festival in your culture with him? Guess what, that happened to me just by walking through my neighborhood! Awesome!  Once again a totally Indian heartwarming experience! This is why I love India, everybody – or most people I met thus far – are just really really nice and friendly 🙂

Alright, now I gonna sleep very well provided with awesome memories of my first Diwali in India 🙂 I’ll upload the pics tomorrow!

Happy Diwali,


posted by on Deutsch, Environment, International, National

MerkelBurnsMoin Leute,

nachdem ich nun wieder voll fit bin kommen jetzt auch wieder einige Posts die nix mit Dengue und Indien zu tun haben… Den Anfang macht mal wieder mein Lieblings-Thema – die Atomkraft. Leute, wenn Westerwelle und Merkel gerade so fröhlich darüber quatschen, den Konzernen ein paar Milliarden durch Laufzeitverlängerungen zu schenken, dreht sich bei mir ja schon wieder alles um.

Die beiden hatten wahrscheinlich auch keine freie Minute, um sich am vergangenen Dienstag auf ARTE die Dokumentation über unseren Atommüll anzuschauen, die gerade in Frankreich für den neusten Skandal gesorgt hat, hierzulande aber wohl niemanden so richtig bewegt… Ich will das hier nicht alles nacherzählen sondern möchte euch ausdrücklich die Reportage ans Herz legen. Ja, dass sind 100 Minuten aber die habt ihr selten besser investiert als in diese Dokumentation! Ein paar schockierende Ausschnitte gefällig:

– in Russland kann man ohne Probleme in der nicht abgesperrten Natur so richtig krass verstrahlt werden…

– in der Wiederaufbereitungsanlage in La Hague werden nicht nur bei jedem Vorgang radioaktive Emissionen freigesetzt, nein, die Anlage stößt pro JAHR mehr Radioaktivität in die Atmosphäre aus als ALLE Atombombentests bisher weltweit zusammen!!!

– seit 1992 ist es verboten, radioaktiven Abfall in Fässern einfach so in den Ozean zu kippen. Was machen die Franzosen? Die bauen einfach eine Leitung ins Wasser – dann ist das nämlich legal!

– von den angeblich 96% des Atommülls der recycelt wird, bleiben bei genauer Betrachtung noch 10% über – der Rest steht auf einem PARKPLATZ ungesichert in einer russischen Stadt rum!

Ok, und das sind nur einige der Highlights aus dem Film. Leute, ich kann mich da nur wiederholen, da wird einem beim Zuschauen mal so richtig schlecht. Ganz ehrlich, wer mir hier jetzt noch was von wegen Nuklearenergie und Zukunft/ Brückentechnologie erzählt, hat’s echt nicht begriffen. Das hat auch nichts mit der Technik selbst zu tun, sondern einfach damit, wie wir weltweit damit umgehen und somit unseren nachfolgenden Generationen eine unvorstellbare Gefahr aussetzen.

So, das ganze lässt sich noch bei Arte direkt angucken, allerdings hat ProfBoogeyChaos den Film befreit und für euch in 11 Teilen bei Youtube online gestellt 🙂 Gucken! Jetzt!

Und weg, euer Strothi