Archive for Dezember 2008 | Monthly archive page

Time Management…


posted by on English, Livin' my Life, MUN, Uni, Work

Hey folks, just a short hello again. While I was kind of optimistic earlier this week that I would be finished with my study by the end of the week, things turned out differently – as always. 😕 While I came across two crucial points I didn’t had included in the study so far, additionally […]

Ups and Downs


posted by on Apple, English, Livin' my Life, Uni, Work

Hey folks, hope you had a nice weekend and got some fine little presents from St Nicolaus 😉 I guess mine have been stolen by the mailman, as the package my mother sent me a couple days ago didn’t make it to me so far… 😥 Anyway, week’s been kind of an emotional up and […]

posted by on English, Livin' my Life, Model G8, MUN

Hey guys, believe it or not, that’s exactly what I gonna do! Where? At the G8 Youth Summit 2009 in Milan! Why? Because I’m part of the German delegation to this summit and will represent the Minister of Environment of Germany! 😀 Yeah! Wouldn’t my knee stop me from doing so I would still jump […]