posted by on Apple, English


Update 4.8.09

The new beta version of NNW now supports clippings again. I just did the update and now all the clippings are back, thus the process (with regard to the clippings) I described below becomes obsolete!


Hey folks,

just a very short hint, as I just had some trouble to do it myself. As you probably read on twitter or on Brents new blog, he just published the new NNW 3.2 beta that includes Google Reader Sync but drops the sync with the NewsGator Service (which will be terminated by the 31st of August anyway). While exporting the feeds via the OPML form is rather easy (got to File, Export Subscibtions and then import them into Google Reader via your browser), the hard task was to get the Clippings over to Google as well as the open pages. For the Clippings you’ve to click on „Show Info“, then click the „Share as an Rss Feed“ Button and than copy the link to it into Google Reader (the online version). Google will then grab all your „Clippings“ via the RSS feed. So far, so good. Somehow I had a couple hundred pages open in my right sidebar (used it like a „Read Later“ category). This turned out to be way more complicated then the rest. So what I finally did was going through each page and sorting out the most but the ones I decided to keep I synced via the NNWInstaPost script with Instapaper (I set a short-cut for it via system preferences so it would work flawlessly). If you don’t want to use Instapaper, you can just set up a clippings folder for the pages and drag’n drop them into the folder and share it with Google the way I described it before. Alright, I’m not set and hope the work was worth it.

Hope I could help you guys a bit,

Take care, Strothi

posted by on English, Environment, International, National

Hey folks,

while I just complained a little bit about the German version of the US „Don’t Vote“ campaign, this video is simply awesome and shows – even though it’s a different context – that Germans are able to produce great short films that will hopefully raise awareness 🙂 The following video was produced by GermanWatch a German NGO and I found the video via It’s in German but got English subtitles, so I urge you all to watch it:

As today seems to be the „video day“, I strongly advise you to watch the following film as well in which a 13 -year old is plain-talking to the world. Bear in mind that she said that in 1992 and then think about what and if something changed.


This brings me back to my earlier posts. You have to vote! But you don’t only have to vote, but furthermore you should carefully think about who you wanna vote for. Bear in mind what I wrote about why I’m about to vote for the green party, think about what you just saw and then make your choice. Be it for the green party or others, but please check carefully who has a program that seeks to incorporate sustainability into our daily life – as we ain’t got an alternative!

By the way, if you’re in Berlin and you’re somehow interest in politics, you might want to come to the huge demonstration against nuclear energy on the 5th of September:

Alright, so far, so good. I hope you enjoyed the videos and I really hope it made you think about your way of living at least a little bit.

Take care, Strothi

posted by on Deutsch, National


nachdem in den letzten Tagen der erste Teil des „Geh Nicht Wählen“ Videos ja schon im Netz für Aufmerksamkeit gesorgt hat, wurde dann heute das komplette Video auf einer Pressekonferenz vorgeführt. Nachfolgend habe ich mal sowohl das Deutsche Video, als auch die US Variante, die als Vorlage diente, eingefügt. Ich empfehle euch, beide Videos anzuschauen und euch euer eigenes Urteil zu bilden.

Die Deutsche Variante:

Das US Original:

Tja, also ich finde das US Original echt klasse, dummerweise kommt die deutsche Fassung da nur halb so cool rüber. Irgendwie wirkt das doch deutlich gestellter als im Original und auch der Dreh der Botschaft wirkt zwanghafter als im Original. Den besten Kommentar hab ich dazu heute von Dirk Kirchberg auf Twitter gelesen :

„Geh nicht hin“-Spot ist der Microsoft der Wahlspots: Coole Vorlage, grottenschlechte Kopie.

Das trifft es ziemlich gut, finde ich. Auch wenn da Freunde von mir mit dran gearbeitet haben, da ist noch Potential nach oben. Aber gut, insgesamt finde ich die Aktion an sich ne gute Geschichte und kann den Aufruf nur unterstützen. Wen die Hintergründe interessieren, kann sich noch das Interview mit Jan Hofer anschauen. Wer nicht wählen geht, darf sich später auch nicht über das Ergebnis beschweren! Meiner Meinung nach kann man gerne auf „die da oben“ schimpfen, wer aber es nicht hinbekommt, sich alle paar Jahre aufzuraffen und ein Kreuz zu machen, der sollte echt die Klappe halten und sich schämen!

In diesem Sinne – GO VOTE!

Und weg, euer Strothi